Wednesday 15 August 2018

The Olawins of Ipokia

If you don't know the significance of having a male child in an African setting like ours, ask the Olawins of Idolumosanyin Compound in Ipokia.

Truly, both male and female children are good, but your lineage may go into extinction if all you have are female children.

You may lose all you have to your in-laws and people who are not from your family at all.

My father, Prince Adeyemi Olawin is the only male child among many female children in our clan.

His grandfather gave birth to one boy, being his father. His father also gave birth to him alone as the male child. Even his great-grandfather has one male child.

Uncountable are the female children, many of whom were married off by some well-known families in Ipokia.

Today, my father is alone in the struggle to reposition our family and put it in its rightful position in Ipokia.

That's why many people can open their mouths and say what they like about him.

I know many people understand this but they refuse to say the truth.

May God bless your family with the needed resources.

Thank you dad. May you live longer than expected to see the good of Ipokia.

Dare Olawin 

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