Wednesday 4 May 2016

We'll employ 1000 youths weekly to dress masquerades - Lai Muhammed

Lai Mohammed, minister of information and culture, says dressing masquerades could create a thousand jobs per week for Nigerian men.

Speaking at the sectoral debate of the federal house of representative in Abuja on Tuesday, Mohammed said most states in Nigeria have one festival or the other.

Lai Muhammed

Most states today have more than one festival a year, but the packaging and lack of capacity has not enabled them to make the most out of these festivals,” he said.

“There’s a particular masquerade in the south east, it takes 100 people to dress him, another 100 people to undress him.

“If this masquerade is well-packaged, it can provide employment in one week for more than 1000 young men. These are some of the untapped potentials.”

The Cable

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