Thursday 7 April 2016

Ogun College of Education, TASCE, where lecturers die of hunger

By Adebola Talabi

Is Nobody Listening To Us?

This is the eleventh month since we have been paid salary in Tai Solaorin College of Education, Omu Ijebu in Ogun State. We have been calling for attention from various quarters, while doing our official duty in the school. Presently examination is going on in the school. 

Despite the fact that no salary is being paid in close to a year now, the school program has not been truncated. People close to us and distant from us have always asked us how we survive without money and yet we go to work. It is a miracle and most of us can not explain. I know that I beg for charity from anybody and God touch few people to respond. Many duties a father and husband should do and which I know of are overlooked and shifted to in laws. 

I reduce myself to a moving corpse. In fact whoever chastises me for any action now is wasting his or time because my concern now is how I will survive. I have hope because God still gives me life, with the belief that the dry bones will still rise again. So whoever is feeling somehow about me now should please understand. 

About twenty staff have died in the institution in the long period of existing in this Egypt of a working place. I know our Moses will come one day. So I promise to bounce back and take my rightful place. Am not unaware that I have relinquished many of my responsibilities.

But I get worried when in this long period of close to a year no audible step has been taken to provide relief. 

Do people think we are making up stories that we are not paid at all? Is it because we go to work without complaint and so they think we are comfortable? When those who know about our complaints receive money from any source and proudly attend to their responsibilities, do they imagine how those who are working and not been paid for a year would feel? When you eat, do you imagine how those without food and yet working would feel? We could not pay school fees and take care if our family.

True some people are making moves on our behalf. The management make consultation all over. Groups and individuals use their various contacts to resolve the problem. The fact that no union exist on the campus seems to be a minus for our struggle. Notwithstanding, pleadings and beggings are going on. 

Our issue has almost become a national embarrassment to the state government because from what we are made to know, he is confronted with TASCE issue anywhere he goes. It is no secret at least in Ogun State that TASCE staff are not paid. The market women, teachers in other schools and taxi and Okada operators are aware.

But for how long? Are we sure that even when a year runs full clock there will be a way out? You can imagine how we cope going to work and conducting exams with the present situation in the country. As at yesterday petrol was sold at 300 naira per litre. Even if you have money you have to suffer to get it. Transport fare is up by 200 %. Yet we have to look for charity to do this only job.

The people concerned should please listen to our petitions and help us. Give us something to keep us moving. Those giving charity every time are getting tired and those of us receiving it are becoming reluctant but desperate to go and ask for more.

Those pleading our course should not relent. When the student has not passed, the teacher has not taught. The husband of a barren woman would always be looked on to as a lesser man. Our prayers shall help your efforts at taking us to the promise land.

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